Anyone feeling movements?

KDee • Tried for almost 5 years, with every test and almost every fertility procedure, until I finally started telling the doctors which tests to do. Hoping this rainbow baby makes it and stays!

With my first, I didn't feel anything until 18w. This time, I barely made it to 15. I'm crying this one way low already, so even maternity pants are tight. I think that's part of it.

What were your first movements like? Let's have some stories!

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Posted at
Felt her first kicks at 19 weeks! Especially after I drink apple juice. She is super active right before I go to bed as soon as I lay down in bed! 


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I've felt very light twitches after drinking orange juice at 16 weeks and at 17 weeks my dog stretched her legs out and put pressure on my tummy and felt the twitch again, not sure if it was the baby kicking back lol


Posted at
This is my second and I think I've been feeling wiggling but I'm never sure. I can't remember when I started feeling with my first. She was always really active so I feel like she started out punching and kicking so it was more obvious. Maybe this will be my chill baby. Haha one can only hope. 


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Not yet! I'm only 17 weeks and this is my first so my doctor told me it would be closer to 20 weeks. Being patient... Sort of :-D


Posted at
I am 🙋 they started out as flutters around 14wks.. Now I can actually feel moving & see it if I catch it on time I'm now 16wks.