Actually happy I got a BFN

Des • •Wife•PCOS•Beckett Wayne-August 24, 2021💙•👼August ‘20•
My husband and I have been ttc for 7 months now. And I took a test this morning (only a day after my period) knowing it would be a BFN. So why did I take it? Each time I've began to show symptoms of pregnancy, I will take a test if it's the correct amount of days. The past 3 times I've taken tests, there have been very faint lines that have not gotten darker. When I posted them on here, women even told me it was positive and I was pregnant, but then a month or even two will go by without a darker result, and the last two times I have scheduled appointments for blood tests, but before the appointment comes, I get my period. Not sure if I'm having chemical pregnancies or just getting false positives. I only check them in the allowed time limit and I take the tests the way it says to. So why did I take a test the day after my period? I wanted to make sure I knew what a definite negative looked like. It's been a while since it wasn't a faint line and I felt like I was getting tricks played on me from pregnancy test companies. Another month of trying for us though!