New to Glow but not to TTC - Anyone know the answer?

Magdalena • 👶🏻7 May 2020, after 11 years TTC w/ PCOS. Married in Barbados, Sept 2016. Zoologist. Line manager
Hello everyone, 
I only joined this community a short while ago so I thought I would say "Hi" and ask a quick question, if I may...
Some background on me first: 
    I was TTC with my ex for 7 years. 
    I have PCOS with anovulatory cycles, 
    He had a low and mostly-immobile count. 
    I had an early miscarriage 25/01/2010
    Clomid made me ov but we did not conceive.
    I used to weigh 25 stone, now 12.5 stone
    I have a new partner, wedding this Sep
    We have been TTC just over a year
    He has a high, good quality count
    I am waiting to re-start Clomid next cycle
    I am STILL TTC #1
Obviously that's just a very brief summary as my actual journey from the start of my TTC on 18/11/2009 is very long, so onto my question...
I am not holding out much hope here at all, but I will take a HPT before I start Clomid (CD1 should be any day now!) just in case but, I noticed my cervix is high and closed. Confused. Should it not be open given the abundant amout of creamy CM  past few days and imminent AF? My AF isn't like clock-work but has always been regular cd28-32, Currently CD30
I used to chart a lot with my ex but as I am only now being given Clomid with my 'new' partner, I haven't been charting with him. I will start from next CD1. I never charted cervical position though, just CM, so I thought I would ask if anyone had any insights?
Could this cervical position etc be an early sign of pregnancy? 
Baby dust to all and thanks in advance.