Need some hope.

Hi ladies.  So hubby and I have been trying for about 6 years. We have done everything except <a href="">Ivf</a>. We are currently on a much needed mental and financial break from treatment. During this time we are just trying to over all get healthy knowing  this can't hurt. I have pcos and bad eggs. He has some sperm issues but they say it's me. Over the weekend my dearest tells me he can't take anymore treatment. He would rather know that what we are spending our money on is going to get us what we want. So he would like to adopt. Which I am all for. I told him I still want to try natural because ya know who knows! I just need some hope please. I have wanted this so long and just want to be able to make my husband a daddy and I feel as though I have let him down. Although he says I haven't. Any advice moving forward would help me! Thank you!!!