Got a silly question please help

Megan • Trying to conceive first baby. But very ill with various things don`t think it`ll happen for a while :(
So I've got my infertility appointment on Friday which I am excited about. I have pcos and High prolactin I don't ovulate at all. According to three months of blood work. I'm just wondering if they put me on clomid - is it not going to be a bad thing if my hormones are out of balance and my body doesn't feel it's right to release an egg - could it then be forced to release an egg and then it be a bad one and end in miscarriage or baby have defects I'm just wondering how clomid makes you release a good egg if your body doesn't feel like it can't release a good enough egg to be fertilised, I'm confused. Any insight? Thanks ladies! Please no bad comments :(