My husband and I got married June of 2014

My husband and I got married June of 2014. I was 34 years old and he was 33. We had been dating for six years before we tied the knot. We started trying to get pregnant August of 2015. We got a little discouraged after a few months. After six months we started to worry that we might have fertility issues or that we had waited too late to decide to start our family. Glow has really helped us stay on track with our progress and schedules. My <a href="">period calendar</a> was an exact science from beginning to the beginning of our pregnancy. I started every day it said like clockwork. Then this May I was scheduled to start on the 5th. Over anxious has we have been for months at this point. I took a test on the 6th and there it was. The blessings we had been praying for, the next chapter of our lives.
​Thank you GLOW!!!!!!