Clomid and no ovulation

I'd started clomid on cd3 and completed the last dose on May 2nd, and still haven't ovulated. I was advised by my doc to take it to help after my TR, but I ovulated last month (used a test). I had taken my opk everyday from Friday until yesterday with no spike. Checking my cm and it's changed along with position, but still nothing. Has anyone else experienced this? If I do not conceive this month on it or ovulate; I don't think I'll take it again; due to how I felt on it.
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Posted at
Clomid doesn't work for everyone, and my RE has said it can lengthen your cycle and my ovulation later. I would keep testing. 


Posted at
I took Clomid in 2014 and ovulated but had the flu and we didn't BD. I've taken it 3 times since then with no ovulation and horrible side affects.


Posted at
I only O'd in Clomid once out of the hundreds of times I've taken it.. (Not literally)


Posted at
OPKs aren't 100% accurate. Are you tracking your BBT?


Brandi 🌸 • May 15, 2016
Clomid doesn't work for everyone, but just because you had your period doesn't mean you didn't ovulate.


Melissa • May 15, 2016
I didn't ovulate, just had another period


Brandi 🌸 • May 12, 2016
BBT is the only accurate way to know if you ovulated or not.