Roman Alexzander was born at 4:01 am this morning (5/10/2016)

Roman Alexzander was born at 4:01 am this morning (5/10/2016). He is 8 lbs 2 oz of healthy perfection. He's our first baby after 11 years together and my husband and I are so in love with him. He has daddy's light eyes and mommy's dark hair. 
I'll share his birth story in more detail soon but here is the short version - our planned natural birth ended up having to be transferred to a hospital for medical reasons. I labored naturally for 40 excruciating hours. Although we ended up in the hospital which was not what my husband or I wanted, it really was best for the situation. My turned out beautifully and is still the happiest day of my life. We were fortunate to be respected, informed, and have been treated excellently.