abusive home or overdramatic?

i grew up in this way so please dont say "you should know abuse when you see it".... my parents had me at 17/18 and my mom has always been a phenomenal mother, dont get me wrong she is my bestfriend and superwoman. but my father has always been otherwise. he was a major drunk when i was little and i remember him always having a temper and going crazy when my mom would leave because she felt it was unsafe. hed smash phones against walls and break things and tell me how awful my mom was for leaving and taking me with him. there was even times he got physocal with me and got into a fist fight with my grandpa over it... fastforward to about 11 years old and he builds my mom a huge house and they have my brother... moms always at school, dads always drunk.. im takng care of a collicy baby when i didnt even know what colic was.. and hed come home drunk and cause issues and get physical, one time literally slamming me into a chair and smacking my head on the ground and proceeded to pin me down.. my mom always "talked to him" but hed always do it again. now here we are 17 years old with a 5 year old brother and 2 year old sister who both are like my own and hes still getting drunk then coming home screaming that my moms a piece of shit and screaming "fuck you" and "youre a lying twit" and "i hate you" at ME. and getting in my face telling me how bad of a person i am when i havent done anything... and continuously my mother has "talks" with him and it always seems to keep happening... and its happened so much over the years im physically drained and i just shake and cry and my anxiety is terrible but im scared to say anything because my moms in denial and just says im over dramatic and if i get family involved she flips out on them and me because she sees no problem with him... i dont know if this is normal or if i need to get help before i hit a breaking point... its like shes choosing him over her daughters mental health and i dont want my siblings growing up to be this.... someone please help with advice😔