Coming off Depo - severe cramps


Heya guys new here and all that.

My SO and I decided we were gonna ttc 3 weeks ago. I was on depo and my next was due 17th may. I met with the doc and she gave me all the advice and I'm right on track.

Til tonight. I have severe cramps for the last 4 hours. I want to eat everything. My boobs feel heavy and are very veiny. Then I get a mad feeling and double check my dates and the depo was due yesterday.

Now I'm not trying to drive myself crazy, but seriously, what the hell do you guys think is going on? I don't for one second think I'm back to being fertile after one day, but some input would be amazing.

I've been googling and all I get is 12 months wait but no one seems to have had similar enough symptoms to me from what I can see.

Any help would be amazing!

(I haven't had a period since starting the depo may 12th 2015, my wedding day, lucky me, nor any cramps or period symptoms I don't know what to make of it. I can't temp as I'm waiting on the thermometer. My husband works 6 days and is off 4 every week so having sex when ovulating isn't always possible as he works away from home during that time anyway)