He Wont Stop...

Olivia • 22 years old, single momma 👣 Dominic A. was born April 28, 2016 👶🏼
My son is 2 weeks old now and for the last two days he hasn't stopped eating and crying. He'll latch on for 5ish minutes, fall asleep so I'll burp him and go to put him down, but he'll wake up and want more. This will go on for hours....today this has been going on for almost 8 hours. He barely sleeps anymore because all he is doing is eating or crying because he's still hungry. I thought it was built up gas, so I tried gripe water (has worked before with him) and nothing. He's peeing/pooping constantly, temp is normal but he won't stop eating and crying. I know I'm producing enough milk, I can easily pump out 6oz in 15 minutes. I'm so exhausted and my SO is gone for work on contract...Idk what to do and it's so hard for me