Wtf sex

Eli • Just a friendly person who likes helping out others!

Me and my bf tried breaking up yesterday. My friends weren't in town so i stayed in the spare room and cried. He said he needed something real. He felt like we were changing and that we needed to be alone so that we could focus on our own lives.

Well i didn't care about that, nor did i head the "don't medicate," warnings. I drank way too much to help gain confidence to scream in his face.

But when i did drink i went to the living room to talk to him. I don't exactly remember what was said but i remember he told me, "this is the person i remember falling in love with." because apparently the no-filter made him love me

We had sex soon after.

He said later that he wanted me to open up more and that the fact that i try so hard to become something perfect for him makes him not want me.

I'm happy he's willing to try and sty together but i feel like i don't trust him as much or something. Or maybe i feel like i don't understand what the hell he wants.

Anyone have a similar experience?