
So today I decided to masturbate while my boyfriend was at the shop. We're in a long distance relationship but we see eachother quite regularly but we don't really have that much sex and today while he was out I watched porn and he came back as I was watching it and he didn't know I was watching it and he tried to get me out of bed (it was afternoon) and then he took the blanket off me and asked me why I was fully naked and I said that I didn't know and that I woke up like that, he asked because he knows I only sleep in pants (pants as I bottom underwear. I know that other people call pants what we call trousers)  and then he was just saying how he had to go back out to the shop with his mum so I continued what I was doing and afterwards I felt so bad and when he was falling asleep tonight I was so close to telling  him what I done. I'm just feeling sexually frustrates these days and I didn't see him for months so he knew I was doing it a lot during then. He's not very sexual like we have sex maybe once every few weeks. He's had some bad experiences when it comes to sex so that's why he hardly ever has sex with me and I know he doesn't masturbate either so that's another thin that makes me feel bad like should I tell him? Or am I being silly for feeling the need to tell him?