Who else has a strange acne routine?

So I've always had mild acne on my face. The occasional pimple here or there on my back. When I started birth control my face started to clear but I started get worse back acne and embarrassing acne on my bum. I was desperate to find something that would work and so far I've had the best luck with this combo. 
I use the body wash over my entire body (excluding my face) every night. Morning and night I was my face with the healthy skin boosters face wash
Then I alternate the calendula and diaper rash cream. One night (and the following morning) I apply the calendula cream to any break outs (face butt and back)
The following night (and morning) I use the diaper rash cream (sparingly with my face and then put my makeup right over it
This combo really seems to not only get rid of new pimples rather quickly but also seems to reduce redness and old scars/spots. 
I also use witch hazel morning and evening after cleansing
Curious to see if anyone else has a stranger routine like I do!