Too early you be SPOILED??!!??

A💓C • Married, 33 yrs old pregnant with our 3rd. I haves 2 boys ages (14/8) and praying for my little girl.
I believe my daughter who is 3 weeks old has colic?!  My doctor states to just console her when fussy, whining etc. She is like this at night only and let me tell you it's HARD.  When she cries an hr and half after eating I'll pick her up and rock her back to sleep then lay her back down. Sometimes she stays asleep and others she will wake back up.  My doctor says she is too little to get spoiled they just need the love. I'm afraid that she might be getting used to be carried to soothe and put her to sleep. What do you think? 
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You can't spoil a baby.


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You can not spoil a baby! Just comfort her. Leaving her to cry will just teach her that no one cares and no one will come. My baby screams 90% of the day. We have to hold her constantly. Yes its hard but its what she needs. You can not spoil her. She wont "get used" to be held. She needs to be held to feel secure and to.form strong bonds. The more secure your child.feels the more independent they will grow up to be.


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She isn't getting spoiled. Her digestive system is still very new. She may be having gas issues. My daughter did. She cried a lot early on. But be assured you are not spoiling her.


A💓C • May 12, 2016
Thank you


Ali • May 12, 2016
also if she has persistent feeding issues, look into having her checked for reflux. they thought my daughter had colic and here it was reflux. I couldn't lay her flat and her stomach gurgle with acid. I have to sleep her at an angle. if you're formula feeding ask your doctor about other formulas. if you're breast feeding you may need to start eliminating things from your diet. and remember babies cry. colic us generally for 4 hours of crying.


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3 weeks is a growth spurt period. They are hard. Also, maybe overstimulation? It can cause a baby to freak out and be impossible to console.


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I recommend The Happiest Baby on the Block. It's a book and I've heard there is a video also. It was a lifesaver for me when my baby was colicky. And no you can't spoil her that young because she has no idea about cause and effect yet. Good luck!


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Thank you everyone!!