Anyone from the UK?

Nicola • I`m a 32 year old teacher from the UK. Had my rainbow baby in September 2017 after miscarrying twice. Had a chemical pregnancy in January and now TTC #2
Hi ladies I'm from the UK so thought I'd share my story. Been TTC #1 for 8 months and in March I had a miscarriage at 6weeks 😥 I've been tracking my cycles since we started TTC and I have a very short leutal phase. I ovulate around CD21/22 and then 9 days later I get my period. I'm feeling frustrated as the doctors will only investigate if you've had 3 miscarriages and won't do any tests until we've been trying for a year. 
My boss has just announced her pregnancy and she is 10 weeks. I would be 12 weeks if I hadn't have miscarried 💔 I'm over the moon for her but I must admit it's tough seeing her every day, knowing that I should be sharing the same journey. I guess I'm just reaching out to see if anyone from the UK can relate. 
Baby dust to you all ✨