Am I overreacting?

Ok so I'm on the pill but over the last week I've missed a couple pills and been late taking others (I've been taking exams/travelling so my sense of time is screwed up though usually I'm really good at taking them). We also use condoms as an extra source of protection because my boyfriend will be abroad next year for school and I'm supposed to be starting vet school in the fall. So a baby would be really hard for us right now. Anyways the condom broke (this has never happened to me before) and I started having a panic attack. He then stood up and went to take a shower. While I was sitting in his bed hyperventilating and crying. I ended up calling my best friend and she picked me up and took me to get plan b. I'm really angry at my boyfriend now because of how he (didn't) handle the situation. I felt so disposable like my feelings or the fact I could get pregnant didn't matter. I'm honestly considering breaking up with him over this (I would talk to him first and give him a chance to explain himself). Am I going to far with this? Could he maybe just now be able to deal with the situation?