Lip, tongue and buccal revised 😩

My little princess turned 2 months old yesterday. We had our 2 mo appointment and she's now 8lbs 8oz and 21 1/4" tall. She was 4 lbs 9oz at birth so I'm way happy about that! But she had her shots and then we got her tongue, lip and buccal lasered :(
My poor baby! We had to get all 3 done and she has a high palate 😩  the exercises though! Omg my poor girl! She hates the exercises so much! She fights me all the time! She clenches her mouth shut but I need to get in her mouth and stretch it out so we don't have to do it all over again! :( using baby orajel and Tylenol but it's not helping much :( sleep is barely there for her :( ugh hope these 3 weeks will fly by and she'll feel better.