Newbie/TTC 3+ Years/married/almost 36 YO

Hello all! 
I am new to the app, my husband just introduced me and so far,
 I love! I first saw fertility specialist nearly 2 years ago. We've both been tested ( Me: hormone levels,
Ultra sounds, Etc. My husband: sperm analysis), both feel we've been given the green light. For the most part, we are confident and have faith that we are capable of conceiving... but as I am sure many of you (30+) could understand, it can be all consuming. Most of my friends have had children very easily. Today, A college friend of mine blessed with a beautiful baby girl, and pregnant with twins said... 10 day post ovulation, have sex every other day for 14 days, and lay with legs above head. She swears this is the trick. She's also aware of how daunting this is when you've been trying from several years. Trying to let God/universe/Mother Nature take the wheel here- as much as we can. That said, girls....preach.... Looking for insight and encouragement. This process can be very deflating and I am in need of a pick me up. Thanks all. Good luck and sending you all- love and light!!