Hey! :)

Mrs. • Momma to 2 on earth and 2 in heaven. Pregnant with the next adventure! 2014 👼🏼 2016 👧🏼 2018 👧🏼 2020 👼🏼 2022 🤰🏼
Just wanted to stop by and introduce myself! I was diagnosed with PCOD at the age of 18 shortly after I lost my first at 20 weeks pregnant on July 15, 2014. I was told I could never have children after losing her... My SO of 5 years and I were completely devastated. She wasn't planned at all since I was on BC but I was very sick the month I conceived and was on a bunch of medication to make me better which we think is what cancelled out the birth control. I am now 20 at 32 weeks pregnant and we are over the moon. I found out I was pregnant 2 days before I was suppose to go talk with a specialist about PCOS and my options on taking meds. Baby is due around July 9th, 2016 and is also suppose to be a girl!!! (pretty close to the same day I lost my first) talk about a miracle baby!? :)