Boyfriend proplems..💔

Its been somee time now, like a few months now since things with my boyfriend have really started going down hill😞 I really love him and i want to be with him till old age but i just can't seem to make things work.. Like sometimes i feel like he doesnt really care anymore like we use to text always, yes we'd have a couple fights but now its like always and we text but its boring like the vybe is gone.. Or like sometimes its there and something comes up.. A fight or something and everything fucks up 😪😢 Its like i really want things to go back to normal. I dont understand why we can't get back upthere. I try and I try all the time to show him how much I actually do for him but its like he doesnt  notice, theres always some thing. Recently and I know this sound rediculous but he stopped sending hearts, we've sent hearts to eachother ever since we first started talking so it makes it so weird that he doesnt send them anymore like i tell him "why no hearts" and than he talks to me with hearts and than he stops. He also answers so slowly and than when i accidently do he gets all pissed. Like i dont know whats wrong. 
Sometimes we get in fights for small little things and he starts insulting me like crazy, its to the point where like im so use to it that like it hurts me but i dont express how much it hurts anymore. Im so drowned in all this and I dont know what to do anymore.
You guys might say stuff like why do you stick to him after all this and thats cause im so attatched to him I cant let go, my whole world revolves around him. On weekends when we see eachother things goo so well but on text its so different now and theres moments where i feel things are getting better and i feel happy.
Honestly I know i'm in a toxic relationship and that thats bad but i dont want to leave him.. I just love him to much. 
Does anyone have any advice? 😕😞