Early period on clomid

Update: wasn't an early period. I had actually miscarried. I didn't even know I was pregnant and I had been taking the clomid. There would have been two babies this time. I've now lost 3 babies in less than 6 months. I just don't even know what to do anymore...

So I'm on round 2 100 mg of clomid. First round was 50 mg. I just finished CD 5-9 of round 2 last Friday the 6th. I've had positive OPKs since Sunday the 8th so that's 5 positive OPKs in a row. Well today I started bleeding like very heavily with clots and it's only CD 16 literally a week after I finished the clomid. Just wondering if this is normal or if anyone else has experienced anything similar? I was so hoping this would be the good luck cycle...