Losing my spirit

Hello ladies. I'm losing spirit and patience in trying to get pregnant. My boyfriend and I have been trying for 8 months now. So I decided to go to the doctor. Off rip, my doctor was rude with not bed side manners. She looked at me and said your to big to get pregnant and come back when you lose weight in 6 months. 😳. She didn't even take any test to see if anything was wrong or anything. I felt like it was a stab in my chest and a waste of time. I know I'm not the smallest and that's a struggle I deal with everyday. Plus I'm Losing weight and the struggle is real. Money is tight nuff said I'm sure I'm not the only one. But needless to say my co teacher and one of my good friends are pregnant and I'm jealous. Hurt. And slick depressed because they were not trying and one well let's just say is unappreciative of her blessing and I'm trying to be happy for them and have a smile but I don't want to talk about it everyday. And she throw up in my face that I'm big and you should eat this or make noise when I eat something. 😩😩 I can't. Please pray for me. I hope I'm not alone in this.