FTM twin home birth!!!

L. • FTM to twins. Hoping for a beautiful HB💜
At 36w3d I found myself going into labor in the early morning of 4-15-16. Honestly just thought I needed to poop over and over but looking back now I realize that was early labor starting. Everything progressed quickly and after about two hours I was at a 6cm. I use hyponovurthing which worked wonders, I hardly said a word the midwives said and was totally in the zone. I labored in the water tub set up in our living room, at 3:43 I gave birth to August John who was 5.7lb and perfect. The worst part was knowing I had to do it all again, three and half hours passed before I delivered Henry Leonard at 7:20 and  5.3lbs. I lost a lot of blood (10 cups or more I heard) had second degree years w so many stitches my midwife wouldn't tell me. All and all so worth it, had the home birth of my dreams and to twins for that matter!  I feel like I can do anything and encourage other FTMs to go for it if they feel they can!