Moving from home

Victoria • Almost 20 engaged to the most amazing man. Just trying to get by.
Sorry this is so long. Please if you have any helpful words anything can help. 
Well the time has come. I am eighteen and moving away from home. I have several reasons for moving. One my parents are getting a divorce and I don't want to have to choose who I live with. Two my boyfriend lives in the city I'm moving to; it's where I spent the first six years of my life and where my grandparents live. And three it is where I will go to college in a year. I know the move will be good for me and it is only a two hour drive to visit my parents but I'm scared. I'll be living with my grandparents for about six months give or take. They are amazing and loving but extremely manipulative and controlling. When I move out of their place I will be moving in with boyfriend, his mother, and step father. I've known them all since I was a baby so they are already family before he and I were together. I feel that when I move my parents that are divorcing will become real. For the past four months they agreed to divorce but we all still live in the same house. They both go on dates with other people but it just hasn't felt completely real yet. I know once I'm gone it becomes real. Our house will get sold and they will move to different apartments. I'm scared to grow up scared to leave my parents and my closest friends. I know I get to visit but it isn't the same. I have to make plans ahead of time now and can't just call someone up and say hey lets go get food. I will have a childhood friend other than my boyfriend when I move and I will hang out with her. I'm just so scared and worried but I'm not entirely sure why. I know I hate change and my whole world is changing. My parents aren't together and I'm moving to a different city away from them. The only comfort I have is I will be with my man and he can help me. Does anyone have any advise to help me. I'm so scared.