I feel like I have a double chin

I thought that by breastfeeding I would get my pre-prego body back. That's not the case. I have never felt my chin and o swear I can feel a double chin- it's so uncomfortable and grosses me out. My thighs look like cottage cheese. I'm still 24lbs over what I want to be at. I am so tired that I don't work out . Any advise? Anyone else so exhausted and feel like a hippo 😭. 
I'm also on medication for postpartum. The Rx says that can also make me drowsy. I work 3 days a week and that's exhausting itself because I feel that when I get a break in pumping ... I feel that I'm constantly working - from work to being a mom. I love being a mama and would t change it for the world. I just felt that things would have gone back to normal. I also always had this mindset that I would be beyond overjoyed ... Which I am but not to the extent that I really want to be at or thought I would be at 😭. Maybe it's still just because of the fact I'm exhausted all of the time and feel huge 😭😭