Hyper active baby! Advice?!

My 9 week old daughter is a little ball of energy lately! She's been an active alert observant infant from day 1 but these last couple of days are something else! I'll start by saying she's been a good sleeper since we brought her home, at 2 weeks old she was sleeping 3-4 hour stretches at night and then a little more every night gradually, last week she slept 5 hours a night 5 days in a row and even had one day where she slept 6! I was thinking oh cool we're on our way to sleeping through the night! But now the last 3 nights in a row she's slept 3 or 4 hours TOTAL in a night. I play with her and talk to her and sing to her constantly during the day, with the exception of a few short after feeding naps so I know it's not day/night confusion. My husband and I usually go to bed around 11pm, so around 8:30 or 9 I turn all the lights off except for two lamps, and turn the TV way down and start quiet time where I try not to stimulate her at all...well she still finds everything to be overly exciting! She squirms and kicks and grabs at my face and hair and the back of the recliner and my shirt and "talks" to and smiles at everything she can see, big loud adorable squeals and babbles and coos at my husband, the lamp, the picture on the wall, the back of my chair, me. It's really cute but this goes on for hours! She's totally happy until I try to get her to eat, but when she sees my boob coming towards her she gets upset and fusses and cries so I put it away and continue to just hold her and she goes back to being happy. Last night I tried everything I could think of to calm her down, I turned TV off, had one small lamp on that I draped a thin blanked over so the light was even softer, tried rocking her and walking around with her, soft singing, swaddling. (Still trying to get her to nurse in between) I even have a little stuffed bear that is supposed to calm babys by glowing and playing soft lullabies. After everything else failed I put her on my chest facing outward (so she can't try to kick off my lap) and held the bear in front of her so she could see the glow in the dark and hear the soft music...well she spent and hour yelling at the bear, reaching for the bear, talking to the bear, grabbing the bear, trying to eat the bear ect. Finally she wore herself out enough that I could get her to latch (but still not without a struggle) at 1:30 AM! She ate and then I swaddled her and rocked her to sleep a little after 2am. I was thinking ok she'll sleep good now! But she was up again at 5 am just as hyper and talkative and active! I keep telling myself that I'm lucky she's not fussing and crying, but I'm so tired! I don't drink coffee or pop so it's not a caffeine issue...I just don't understand why she isn't tired! At least she's happy and funny when she's up all hours of the night but I know she needs to sleep. Has anyone else delt with this? Is it a normal baby phase? What should I do?