Cry it out

So my husband and I are at a bit of a disagreement. He believes it's ok to let a baby, like a one week old baby, cry it out for eight minutes at a time. That way he will "learn". Learn what? I have no idea. Maybe learn not to trust, in my opinion. I understand if you are overwhelmed and it's the safest thing to do is lay your baby down despite them crying and go take a deep breath etc. but regularly allowing the baby to cry it out just feels wrong to me. He told me the baby had been fed, burped thoroughly, changed, checked to see if was to hot or to cold. Etc. and he would begin to cry so he just lets him cry it out. It bothers me quite a bit. I'm in the hospital for uterine infection post c section surgery. So my question is... Any adults out there have mothers that let them cry it out this way? If so do you think it somehow affected you later in life or do you have some type of unexplained issues now as an adult related to trust etc? And pls don't lie and say you are one of those people and am extremely well balanced etc just because you hold a strong view point on the matter and want to prove a point lol honest experiences are appreciated very much!! I will thoroughly tend to my son when I get home. Until then it looks like dad has been letting the poor newborn cry it out a bit too much lately. Also it's ok if feel the need to comment because your a parent that lets their child cry it out but am more so looking for long term experience with it or individuals that went through it as kids or are older and have adult kids they did this with. Thanks!