The right to be upset?

So my boyfriends little sister is 16 and has a month old daughter in the hospital due to it being born at 26 weeks. It's now doing great,and will be out the hospital soon. I'm 12 weeks pregnant,and my boyfriends mom HATES me and hasn't asked how I am or how the baby is doing not once. She tells my boyfriend she's mad I don't send her ultrasound pictures,but when I do she either doesn't reply at all or says the same thing "nice." She has such a lack of interest and I have a feeling she's going to favor his sisters baby over ours just for the simple fact I'm it's mother. I probably wouldn't be upset about it this much if I wasn't so hormonal,but it is. 😡 at this point I'm refusing to send her pictures because it just kills the joy of me going to the appointments. His sister didn't take care of herself at all during her pregnancy (drugs and cigarettes) and yet she's called "a great mommy" 😴