Should I tell him?

Honesty • Engaged with our miracle daughter after being told I could not get pregnant.

So let me start by saying I hate lying and I don't lie to my fiance, but right now I'm not sure if telling him the truth would be a good idea.

Anyway. So last night I found a Facebook message from my ex. It was sent from a girl who I'm not friends with on there so it was sent to my filtered inbox and I didn't see it until now, but it was sent in October. At the time I was pregnant with my daughter. The last thing I had said to this guy was very nice and civil and I apologized to him if I made his life difficult because our relationship was not good. I don't know why I felt like I should apologize when he tried to pay someone to beat and rape me for leaving him.

The message said I was a crazy, cut up whore (I struggled with self harm) and that I ruined his life and that my baby will be crazier than I am and I should get a coat hanger abortion while I still could.

I'm furious that someone who has kidnapped a child felt they had the right to say something like that to me. I want to kill him, but I know he is not worth it at all. I know the best thing to do is to just ignore it. I don't think my fiance would be able to let it go if I told him about the message, though. There's a lot of bad blood between them and we had both been surprised about how civil he was regarding my pregnancy, but obviously we just hadn't seen it.

I feel like it's lying if I keep it from him, and I feel like he deserves to know what's said about his daughter, but I don't want either of us to get involved in something that would turn very illegal and dangerous if we responded. I'm not sure he'd be able to let it go. Should I be honest and tell him, or just try to forget about it?

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