Feeling like something is wrong with me.

Long read. I apologize. I just have alot on my mind.
So my husband and i have been married roughly 9 months. I love him with all my might. He is the man of my dreams and i love our life together. On that note, our sex life is far from great. When we first got together our sex life was amazing. We had sex all the time, anywhere we could get it on and for hours on end. For the past several months our sex is just bleh. It feels routine, he doesnt last nearly as long as he used to and 80% of the time i am either not into it at all, not turned on, or just wishing it would end. I end up disappointed most of the time. We have been trying for a baby and sometimes i wonder if thats why. I feel like sex has become a chore and no longer fun. We used to have fun, we used to not be able to keep our hands off each other, we used to f*** like animals, we used to enjoy making the other feel so good their body trembled. We used to have hot sex and now its so boring, so routine, so disappointing. It feels rushed every time. Its almost like we kiss for a couple minutes and immediately start having sex which only lasts 10-20 minutes and i dont even climax majority of the time. Sex with your newlywed husband shouldnt be this way i feel like. Granted i have gained alot of weight and am at my highest weight ever and dont feel sexy at all. He says i still am sexy and he loves me but i dont feel that way. i feel disgusting. I dont even like to look at myself. Ive expressed all this to my husband and told him i dont want quickies, id like some romance and id like to take our times and really enjoy each other and yeah sometimes we get that but its very rare. Last night in the middle of it i just told him to stop cuz i just couldnt get turned on at all. i just reached my breaking point. i can keep acting like im enjoying myself when in reality i just wish he would cum quickly and just get off. And I feel so bad for feeling this way because i love my husband. And i do find him extremely sexy and alluring and i dont want to make him feel like i dont find him attractive because i 1000% do. i just dont know why i dont enjoy sex anymore. I really just dont enjoy having sex anymore. It is no longer fun for me. Im beginning to despise it and i dont want to feel that way especially since ive always been a very sexual person and i used to LOVE sex. What is wrong with me? :(