Just the trophy wife?

I heard this on the radio where someone calls in, and was trying to get advise on how to handle a situation. She was young and in her 20s never having kids of her own, had married an older man with a pre-existing family ( with young kids) after getting married every time it was their free weekend and they made plans his ex would call and would need him to take the kids. So they would have to change their plans. His wife wanted him to stand up to his ex. And she wanted advise as to how to tell him. So the the doctor told her his ex is the one he choose to have his children. The kids and HER will always be first. And she would always be the third wheel. The ex will always be the mother of his kids, he will always choose them first and she will only be his trophy wife / baby sitter. I thought it was very harsh and didn't really agree with this "radio therapist" but I'm just curious how many of y'all agree with her and how many of you guys don't.