Dealing With a Colicky Baby

Olivia • 22 years old, single momma 👣 Dominic A. was born April 28, 2016 👶🏼
My son is 3 weeks old and, after his first doctors appointment today, he's considered a colicky baby 😞 Last night was the worst we've had...he was up literally the entire night crying and maybe slept for two hours total, so I didn't sleep at all 😭 It's so hard for me because my SO is away for work all the time, so it's just me raising our son (no support system at all). I've tried so many things to help him last night; swaddling, skin-to-skin, pacifier, change positions, warm bath, massage his belly with bicycle kicks, soft music and none helped at all 😞 Is there any other tips that help with a colic episode? I need all the advice I can get because if I don't sleep again tonight, I think I may die 😭😭