Ex & Games

I started dating this guy, Tom, almost 3 years ago, although our relationship only last technically 8 months. However, since we broke up (he stopped treating me like I deserved) he has constantly gone back and forth with me. It has felt like a cycle of me moving on, him realizing it and doing everything to keep me, I still love him and fall for it, we get back together, and within a month or sooner fall apart again because he stop treating me like I deserve (not making plans, talking to me, etc). Everytime I say enough is enough, talk to someone new, but end up in my ex's arms again regardless. I always feel like he is genuine about it when we get back and he always makes me believe it will change but this past time it wasn't even a few days before he stopped treating me like we were together. When I bring this up he always plays clueless and says he doesn't think it's true but says his goodbyes. We just went through this cycle and it is killing me to have gone through it again, I need to not let myself do it again. But I for years now have been suckered back in. How do I let someone go that I love so much but I know only loves me back when I am not his? This man used to be my best friend and the best guy I had ever dated, we have had something extremely special without a doubt and people know we love eachother. I just can't take the way he treats me anymore. Has anyone had similar experiences with ex's and can relate/give advice on how they worked past it? Thank you so much.