Braxton Hicks???

Marie • Mama to Finn born August 2016 & pregnant with baby number two, due October 2020. ♥️
I'm 26 weeks + 2 days. For the past few weeks I've had these weird overwhelming feelings of discomfort that take my breath away, and weird feelings in my tummy so I thought baby was pushing hard outwards and against an artery or something on the inside.  But within the past 2 weeks, I've started to put my hand on my stomach when these feelings happens and noticed its really hard. After looking online, I think I've just been having a lot of Braxton hicks, but they just feel so weird. They don't hurt and don't last long, but I will get several if I'm sitting/bending over in the same type of positions, and they just give me an over whelming feeling of discomfort that take my breath away, like nothing I've ever felt before or can really describe better then that. And they will stop if I sit in a different way or walk around/stretch.
Anyone else experiencing what I'm assuming are Braxton hicks contractions in this way???