Violent/Agressive husband

Hello, this is a tough thing for me to write. At Christmas my husband attacked me drunk because he thought I was flirting with a colleague of his in our own house (which I wasn't, I was talking to him like the rest of our guests) I went up to bed and fell asleep; to which I suddenly woke with the duvet over my head and my husbands hands around my throat.. I remember screaming and feeling scared for my life so, when he let me go I ran downstairs screaming and called the police. He was arrested, went to court and was let off due to a character reference from his work. I decided I'd forgive him and his actions and try and move on from it all. He's been diagnosed with depression and I have PND and blame myself for his depression and think it's stemmed from me having PND. Recently I feel so distant from him, no longer attracted to him and want to leave but I have an 18 month old son with him and I'm scared about what to do, where to go, or how to go about it. I know leaving him is my only option as he says were too young and newly married to NEED counselling. I feel I've tried, he says he's tried but I don't feel he has, he's still angered and snaps easily to the point where I'm scared to say anything! Please can anyone tell me what I can do - Thank you x