Magnesium deficiency- wow!

So I've had problems for a really long time with the following:
- insomnia
- anxiety
- keritosis pillaris (chicken skin)
- constipation (hard stool. Sorry if that's tmi but bear with me)
- trouble focusing
- seborrhoea of the scalp (like dandruff but dandruff shampoo doesn't work)
I mixed Epsom salts with water, it dissolves and makes this "mineral oil" you can buy on the shelf (this is way cheaper)
I don't have time to take Epsom baths all the time but if the mineral oil gives you rashes (it can happen) it's a gentler way of doing it. 
I put the mineral oil in a spray bottle and before I shower I spray it on my stomach and rub it in to help with digestion (go towards the left at the top and right at the bottom, idk if that's clockwise or counterclockwise) 
I also rub it into my chicken skin/acne And put lotion on top (face or body depending)
Your skin only absorbs the amount you need so you can't overdo it
And some number like an estimated 80% Americans have a magnesium deficiency so it might apply to you too
Anyways it cleared up all those bumps on the back of my thighs and arms, I sleep better, my PMS isn't as bad, I could go on.
There's no such thing as a miracle cure- the cures only work if they're providing you with the minerals and stuff you need. I didn't know this was a thing but I tested it and loved it. If you have any of the same problems I do please please try it! 
You can get Epsom salt p much anywhere target Walmart whatever