Can't stay mad at him!

For the past week my so has really been getting on my nerves around the house. We've been trying to save for a big holiday meaning that apart from when we are in work we spend most of the time at home together. Anyway, I admit I have a little OCD and I cannot stand things being messy/dirty or even out of place. He does try bless him but you know how men just don't see the things that need to be done!? 
It all came to a head after I had been home  alone last night and decided to clean through... He came home from football training at about 9pm and spilled a bottle of Gatorade all over my freshly steamed wood floor  😡
That was the last straw and I went to sleep ranting, planted firmly on the furthest side of the bed. 
When he woke up this morning he said.. "Babe... I'm really sorry. I need to try harder. Can we be best friends again please?" 
😂😭😭😭 I honestly don't know how he puts up with my nagging sometimes.