Anxiety over having a c-section!

I have been so tearful recently because I've just been told that due to twin B being breeched I will not be able to give birth vaginally. Of course my number one priority are my babies being healthy (mono di twins), but I feel like I will miss out on an amazing experience. I'm so grateful that my babies are healthy and feel guilty that I'm even thinking this way! Is anyone else who's having a c-section feeling like this? Ive always thought that I would deliver vaginally and have the birth experience most moms have. The idea of being cut open/ going through a surgical procedure is freaking me out. I'm axious and a little terrified by the thought of it. I know thousands of women have had c-sections and are electing for one, but to me it sounds like something from a horror movie. I'm worried about my recovery and worried that I won't be able to carry or take care of my twins while I heal. I'm a FTM and feeling quite overwhelmed with the thought of a c-section. Any advice or words of encouragement from moms who have had c-sections would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance! (FYI I'm currently 23 weeks)