Best thing for nausea Yet!

Caterin • Hi I'm pregnant with my second, my first is 4.
So at 6 weeks on the dot I became overwhelmed with nausea and throwing up 4 to 5 times a day. Everything and every smell makes me want to throw up. Now I was a bit skeptic of bands helping my nausea but I was willing to try anything ginger ale only helps a little. So I bought these sea band mama! They're wrist band acupuncture treatment they're cheap and you can get it anywhere from Walgreens to Walmart. Anyways I bought it yesterday evening and haven't taken it off since and I must admit I feel great finally. I haven't thrown up at all today ! I mean I still feel a little nauseous buy deff nothing compared to what I've been dealing with. I deff recommend it's not for every one but it's worth a try !