My period disappeared! 😓

Well that's the best way to describe it, anyways. I took plan b a couple months ago while on my period and on birth control (it was the placebo week.. Was unnecessarily worried about pregnancy but I get really anxious). My husband and I aren't TTC and avoiding right now. I don't think I've ever wished for a period until these past couple months! Sometimes I feel as if I'm getting one and as of late I really feel like I'm going to have it but I'm on the last few days of my active pills so I don't think I will get a period for another few days after I start my placebos. 
I am probably 98% sure I am not pregnant. I have taken tests upon tests these past couple months, all with very clear negatives. My last period was in March and haven't even had spotting since. Glow says I'm 43 DPO but no idea how accurate that is. I'm currently on CD 64. This is driving me crazy!!! 😥