Time to play the game...


The waiting game... This is more to get this off my chest than anything because obviously I need to pick up some tests. Anyone else in a similar boat?

D&E on 3/11... First AF after 4/13... Now at CD 36 with no AF or my usual AF symptoms. I haven't done opk testing since the D&E... Just didn't feel ready for all that.

Took HPT on the first day Glow said to.... BFN. Didn't let myself expect a positive anyway. I should mention that the only test I had on hand was two years expired... Had to be thrown out anyway, might as well pee on it first 😛

I can't tell if my body is still adjusting.... Or returning to the days years ago when I had 6-8 week cycles... It shouldn't be since it became more regular and closer to 30 days once I went on thyroid meds... Or if there's actually a BFP on its way.

I'm tired and a little bit bloated but not feeling the same way I did before I found out I was pregnant the first time.

Hmmm.... 😕

Thanks for reading if you did 💛