I don't feel depressed BUT

I am not enjoying being a mom of 3. I have a 4yo a 3yo and a 2 month old. I wanted to wait but my husband said that we should just go for it and we did and here he is 2 months old and I am not enjoying it at all. I keep my house clean still, but leaving my house with the 2 month old sucks he cries everytime we are out. When I hear the 2 month old start waking up from his naps I get tense. I do enjoy the baby when he is fed, dry and not crying and when yhe older 2 are getting along.

I had to vent and get this off my chest!

I feel like I may enjoy it once the baby is not eating every freakin 2-4 hours during the day not giving me time to get anything done. The 2 month old is sleeping 7-9 hours a night so he is sleeping through the night along with the older two but still a little rough!