Over it


Warning: I'm about to have a major whinge.

I'm grumpy, majorly uncomfortable, bored out of my mind, impatient and just want to get this over with now :(

Been at home since 35 weeks due to early labour threat. 37 weeks now and still no sign of baby coming. Dreading the possibility that it will sit to 40+10 days which is when they would induce me.

I've nested all that there is to nest around the house. I'm running out of stuff to do and there's only so many TV series you can watch before even that becomes boring. Dont really know people in town here so nobody to hang out with either. Baby's long legs are resting on my ribs constantly even though he/she is engaged. Heartburn is back, yay and my arms are itchy from some silly rash that doesn't want to go away.

Are we there yet???