Unplanned C-section

Tiffany • Wife 💍 Girl mom 💖 Boy mom 💙 Best of both worlds💕

May 6th came and went, no sign of baby. 40 weeks + 2days on Mothers day. I was stressed about being induced on Friday the 13th, so I decided to take a nice warm bath in the morning. I was able to relax and enjoy a half of hour of just felling the random movements of the baby.

I fell asleep on the couch with my husband later that night and woke up at 1130pm thinking I peed myself (only a little trickle). After about 30 mins of wetness and trickling. I called the OB and was told to go to the hospital, then I woke up my husband.

We arrived to the hospital around 1am. 2am I was 1cm dilated no contractions. I was admitted and given an oral pill to start contractions and soften my cervix. Around 4am the contractions started I was checked around 9/10 am and was only 2cm and 85% effacing. I was brought down to L&D and they started poticin and shortly after started the epidural. I was checked at 3pm and was only 3cm and 85% effacing. At 6pm I was checked again and remained the same. 18hrs of labor and no progress my OB said I needed to have a csection bc the baby was no longer tolerating contractions.

At 6:22pm my baby girl entered this world at 7.1 and 20in.