Natural birth story :)

Due date: May 19, 2016
Born: May 17, 2016 @ 1702
7 Lbs 13 oz, 20.5 inches long
This is my second child. With my first, a girl, I was in labor for 26 long hours and had the pleasure of  getting an epidural and lots of pain meds. I had originally planned to go natural with her but the pain was too much and at 5 cm I caved in and begged for the magic margarita potion. 
This time was different, this time I vowed to myself to get through this naturally- no meds, no epidural, just the God given strength all of us mamas are born with! 
Now my choice to go natural was not just because Im crazy lol not just because I wanted to experience all the pains that pushing a small watermelon sized baby out of my little vagina has to offer! No the main reason I chose to go this route was because of the damage getting an epidural with my frist child did to my body. 
I experienced HORRIBLE migrains for months, back pain, and constant epileptic type episodes. My body still til this day doesn't feel the same. Now I know a lot of women, most actually, do just fine with an epidrual! But for me, I refused to chance it again and instead decided to go through a couple hours of pain verses of a lifetime of possible complications. And let me tell you, it was all so very worth it!!!!
I went into very early labor may 16th at around 6pm. I was having mild contractions, they felt just like normal braxton hicks so I really didnt think anything of it. At this point I had been 1cm and 50% effaced since my 38 week appointment. No signs of baby coming anytime soon, I was starting to think I'd for sure go over my due date since my little man seemed so comfy in my belly!
At around 1am I woke up with the same annoying "braxton hicks" but they felt different. It was a feeling I was familiar with from my first, the wonderful cramping sensation which each stomach tightening. I didnt want to get my hopes up and figured if this was labor I'd need to get some rest! So back to sleep I went.
At 7am I woke up, still contracting and cramping 8minutes  apart. Went to the bathroom and had my lovely bloody show, mucus mixed with blood. I yelled for my husband to check it out and we both smiled, we knew we'd get to meet our baby boy soon! I had an appt already scheduled at 830 so we went to see if I was dilated at all and lo and behold I was 3.5 cm and 80% effaced! Yes Lord!!! 
My husband and I went back home and I labored for another 4 hours before we decided it was time to go to the hospital. My contractions were 5minutes  apart and really starting to hurt. After arriving at L&D around 1pm and getting checked I was 4.5 cm and still 80% effaced, they decided to admit me at 130pm and let me do my thing, walk around, bounce on my birthing ball, take a shower.
I was in some SERIOUS pain but thought if this is it I can definitely do this. Thats when things changed. I went from meditating, loving on my husband as he rubbed my lowerback through   contractions, to turning into a monster! I mean my whole body was shaking as each contraction hit 3 minutes apart. I yelled for the nurse to come check me because I felt like I had to push or poop. 
She ran in and checked me, I was 7 cm and my water was buldging. She called for the dr because I was in so much pain I thought I was going to pass out. Right when the dr walked in my water broke. I screamed I need to push now!! Everyone was frantic, they got me in bed as my contractions hit one after another after another. I seriously thought I was going to die. All of my natural birthing techniques went out the window.
The hardest thing was feeling like I needed to push but not being able to because the Dr wasnt ready. As soon as she was gloved and ready to go I pushed. I pushed hard, I pushed like I was taking the biggest poop of my life! Which is exactly what it felt like. I was screaming at the top of my lungs, my husband was screaming with me, my mom was in the corner crying and praying and the Dr was yelling at me to count and breathe. 
Well after 3 pushes my baby was there!! The WORST pain of my life followed by instant relief, isntant joy, instant love. How did I do this! I was ready to give up But what other choice did I have!!? 
Going all natural was so scary towards the end. And so painful, but I did it. With the help of my husband, mom, and God. My strength came right when I needed it, and let me tell you after the placenta was delivered I literally felt like a new woman!!!! One of THE best experiences of my life!!!!! I was up and out of the hospital within hours and even today I feel great. Especially compared to my first medicated labor.
If I could recommend to any mother a natural birth I would! Its horrible lol but so amazing. That God gave us the ability to get through pain like this. If you can get to that point where you feel like you cant go anymore dont give up! Because your right there, your baby is right there, that moment of love is right there!!!! 
Well, welcome my baby boy Micah Isaiah Hubbard. My little blessing, who I appreciate just that much more now. Sorry I wrote this kind of fast! But I hope it helps someone :)