First post - First time trying. Feeling emotional

So I am gonna be 36 yrs old in a few days. I just got married last November.
Starting right after my next period, we are gonna start trying for a baby. 
I have been having mixed emotions about everything. I have always had a phobia of giving birth and being pregnant. It scares the heck out of me! I am also terrified of the worst case scenarios of having a sick child. I am overweight and healthy but I still worry my weight might be an issue. Always working on this but its so hard. My age is also a factor. I'm getting old and there's more complications.
But I am also afraid of not ever having children. I do want children and I figure if I dont start now its just gonna get harder and harder as time passes on.
So today I bought prenatal vitamins and the clearblue ovulation test to begin the process. I am excited and scared. Really scared. Scared I wont be successful and cant have kids and scared I get pregnant and now I am going to be a parent! Just scared scared scared! LOL 
Does anyone else feel like this? I wish I wasnt a worry wart. Just scared of the unknown. But I know its time to start trying. We are at a point in our lives that we do feel "ready" for that new chapter. Just freak'n scares me! Hahaha
Anyways, this is my first post and introduction I guess. Just new to this process and hope to relate to other women out there who is also in the same boat as me.