Feel like there something wrong with me

I am 18 years old, I don't drink, party or smoke. All I do is work and go to college, I don't post naked pictures or Instagram or any of these crazy things. I do a lot for people and I feel like I'm a good person. I was in an almost 3 year relationship he cheated on me multiple times so I ended things. He blamed me and saying it is because I was a virgin. Anyways I've been single for a while and I'm ready to maybe start dating someone, not like something crazy maybe someone to have fun with. But literally I only attract fuckboys. Everyone who try's to take me on a date have a girlfriend, have the wrong intentions and are just trying to fuck. With my previous relationship going sour and all these pathetic excuse for men. I stopped blaming them and started blaming myself I feel like there something wrong with me.