Worried baby isn't eating enough...

At her two week appointment she had gained almost a pound, so Dr said she is eating enough. (She's 3 weeks now). But this whole last week she's been waking up at night to eat and falls asleep within 5 minutes! And won't be bothered to wake up enough to eat more. She goes 4 hours regularly between feedings and will still go that long at night even after a shorter feeding. Her "normal" eat time is about 12 minutes total between both sides, I think I have a fast flow (when I pump I can get 2-4oz in 5 minutes or less). And she tends to eat quickly for the first couple minutes and then just kindve doddle for the rest of the time until she falls asleep. 
I'm assuming I'm just being a worry wart, but is anyone else experiencing anything similar? 
I've stripped her down, tickled her, nudged her, if I do anything to her face I feel like it relaxes her more ha. Should I just let her go to sleep if she's supposedly done? 
She'll wake up and eat if she's hungry, right? 
She's very alert and attentive when awake and will stay awake for at least an hour, sometimes a couple! 
Sorry for the worry post!! Any encouragement and advice is appreciated 😊😊