Hope this is our month

My hubby and I have been TTC baby #2 for over a year. I have had some thyroid issues and was put on the pill for 6 months. In the past year and a half one of my good friends (single) got prego and didn't know the dad between 3 guys and got an abortion. Another friend cheated on her husband and got prego. And I have had 2 sister-in-laws come up prego. I just feel so down. Why is this so unfair? It is our turn! People who don't deserve these babies or appreciate them and throw them away?! This is my first cycle off of BC and I just have in my head that it all depends on this. Idk if I can handle another year of this emotionally. I get so upset every month, and my hubby doesn't understand why it hits me so hard. Sorry about the rant. Driving myself crazy during my tww looking at all these vvfl and bfp.